Initial ideas
We have decided to follow a bourne theme to our opening, by using the hand shaking camera, and hectic pace. After watching student examples, we have also noticed that the key to a good thriller is the music and lighting. Taking tis into account, our music will be varied throughout, and we will keep the lighting relatively dark.
--- Plot ----
A possibility could be that our main character, Callum, believes he has discovered information which could put his life in jeopardy, and has become paranoid that he is being chased, or is sought after. He could also be on medication for, say, paranoid delusions, but hs run out and does not want to go to the doctors because he believes that the doctors are in cahoots with the government.
---Shot ideas---
An idea for the first shots may that we would start with the main character, Callum, lying on his bed, drenched in sweat due to terrible nightmares he had which caused him to awaken early. The room with be as dark as humanly possible, which a small shard of light coming in through the blind and shning on Callum.
The camera will be of a birds eye veiw of Callum, slowly zooming in, then we will quickly flicker a second image to give a brief insight into Callums psyche/past events.
As it progresses, the main focus will be on what Callum see's, his paranoid image, with reality flickering in quickly at certain intervals.
heck yes

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