S3-81 : THRILLER 2007/8

Thursday, 31 January 2008
S3-81 : THRILLER 2007/8

Most productive lesson ever

After dividing into two teams, our group decided that one would film and another find effects which could be added in order to improve our thriller.
We began by overlapping a scene of a post office van, over itself and making it transparent, in order to create a double image. By doing this, we hoped to create a warped sense of reality, which seems to coinside with real events.
Secondly, we attempted to add an effect to a particular scene which we all thought would be key to our project. The exact method in which the scene was done cannot be told on the blog, but the ending visual effect was very desired. This effect changed the scene to red and black, making a very dark and almost sinister twist on a relatively everyday scene.

Monday, 28 January 2008
S3-81 : THRILLER 2007/8

Camera Shot plan

First three frames of storyboard :

1st Shot(s) – Diagonal look towards window, one beam of light piercing the blinds. - Full/face on shot of window, possibly raining, or small light shining through

2nd shot(s) – Full view -> Head closet to camera - Lying in bed, birds eye view -> upside down, slow zoom in towards face.
-Full view, Camera at the other end of bed, (near feat), film towards face, diagonally looking down

3rd shot(s) – Sitting on the edge of the bed, camera focus on centre, but character on
the left. Lots of empty space and keeping it dim/dark.
-Same shot, but camera lower down and tilted up.

4th shot(s) – Close up of face, preferably eyes open, just after face wipe.
-Same shot but camera very low, looking up at face.

5th shot(s) – short filming of desk, diagonal (from bed?) newspaper/letter on desk, only lighting from a lamp positioned on desk and, maybe, a very small amount from window.
-same shot, with slow zoom towards paper.

6th shot(s)- Short filming of bottle (medicine bottle should be empty, possibly fallen over with the lid off,) slightly turned to the left, quite close.
- same shot but very close.

Monday, 21 January 2008
S3-81 : THRILLER 2007/8



Thursday, 17 January 2008
S3-81 : THRILLER 2007/8

Initial ideas

We have decided to follow a bourne theme to our opening, by using the hand shaking camera, and hectic pace. After watching student examples, we have also noticed that the key to a good thriller is the music and lighting. Taking tis into account, our music will be varied throughout, and we will keep the lighting relatively dark.

--- Plot ----

A possibility could be that our main character, Callum, believes he has discovered information which could put his life in jeopardy, and has become paranoid that he is being chased, or is sought after. He could also be on medication for, say, paranoid delusions, but hs run out and does not want to go to the doctors because he believes that the doctors are in cahoots with the government.

---Shot ideas---

An idea for the first shots may that we would start with the main character, Callum, lying on his bed, drenched in sweat due to terrible nightmares he had which caused him to awaken early. The room with be as dark as humanly possible, which a small shard of light coming in through the blind and shning on Callum.
The camera will be of a birds eye veiw of Callum, slowly zooming in, then we will quickly flicker a second image to give a brief insight into Callums psyche/past events.
As it progresses, the main focus will be on what Callum see's, his paranoid image, with reality flickering in quickly at certain intervals.

heck yes
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Monday, 14 January 2008
S3-81 : THRILLER 2007/8

This thriller project was well done, and played on the idea of hidden identity. The main character's face is not shown, and many of the scenes contain him.
The continuity of the project is good, with the main character creating his gun and then proceeding to drive to his destination.


The Bourne Supremacy

We like this film opening sequence because of the short frames and the fast pace of the scenes, this provides very HECTIC feel to the scene and provides a sense of panic. The pace of the flickeing of the camera increases as the opening becomes more tense, until a final, quick finish which leads into the film.
This is a technique we would like to apply to our project. We would like to string many subtle clips together in a fast hectic way, and then lead to a scene which cuts the series of clips instantly, to provide a feeling of confusion.

Monday, 7 January 2008
S3-81 : THRILLER 2007/8
